Imbere Heza

The 2011 promotion has got a name

21/07/2011 13:48


This  has  became almost a culture
in rwandan universties to give a funny name
to each coming in promotion,if u really remember
for all promotions prior to this 2011 had gotten
some different names,let's start by the 2006 promotion:

  •  .2006: tigistes
  •  .2007: brougrielles
  •  .2008: manoyinanga
  •  .2009: abadage
  •  .2010: inkende
  •  .2011: ibigarasha

having seen all these different names u may ask yourself
what the basis for a promotion to be given a name?
there are some specialists in this fields but don't ask who,
there are there watching the daily events that has been hiting
than others and when such event happened at the very first
days of the academic year booting,the new promotion has get
a name from this uphiting event.that's where comes this new
name "ibigarasha" that has been given to our brothers and sisters
who are starting the year 1.


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